Numina is an elegant, dignified, highly condensed modern display family comprising two complementary faces. Numina Glory capitalizes on the family’s strong, relentless vertical texture, eschewing diagonals in favor of robust pillars, whereas Numina Glamour opts for more traditional letterforms for improved legibility and a classy, airy grace.
Both faces are well-suited for headlines, logos, block quotes, and editorial work. More…
Each face comes with three additional font files at no additional cost: Oblique, Ligatures, and Ligatures Oblique. In the Ligatures fonts, all ligatures are designated as standard ligatures (rather than discretionary ones), and are therefore easily accessible even in typographically unsavvy applications.
In particular, base spacing and improvements to lettershapes were provided by Hrant H Papazian. Rainer E. Scheichelbauer provided aid with technical issues. This font is dedicated to Simone.
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